So...I have been working with April of April Showers Blog Design on a new layout for this blog and I'm getting sooo excited because its almost done! I can't wait for you all to see it!
While we are all waiting you should go check out April's work via her Facebook page, she really is awesome. She's currently doing a promotion for a giveaway to two people - if she can get to 400 friends by the end of the week she's giving out two $100 gift certificates!
Now I know you are thinking to yourself, "self - I don't blog why do I care about a girl that lives in Idaho that designs blog layouts?" Well let me tell you the reason why, you see April does MUCH more than just blog layouts. She does it all including things like business logos and custom card orders. So please give her a look and become her friend - you might even win $100 gift certificate!
Ummm you rock... Just sayin'